Oh gosh, aren't completely fucked-up people so much more interesting to write/read about than people whose morals and manners match up to everyone else's? [Cue: offended huffing. Are you saying that I'm boring, Derek? I'm saying you'd make a lousy character in a book, random huffmonkey]. Man, do you remember those fandom posts where people would
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If you've ever thought: boy, I'd love to do kink_bingo but I'm just not into porn! If you've ever thought: boy, writing fight scenes sure is frustrating, I probably need more practice! If you've ever thought: boy, I just really want to write the shit out of some violence! Or if you just want to sign up for yet
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I liked America. It has a lot to recommend it. There is a culture of generosity of spirit and "can-do", of passion and ambition which are overlooked by a lot of Europeans; curiosity and a thousand, million cultures which have arisen and blossomed in the economic and geographic space. And the parts I saw at least - the west coast, from Seattle to
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